• Workouts designed specifically to make you stronger, burn fat for longer, pushing you to break down barriers and win the day

  • A meal plan that is customised and personalised to your lifestyle, designed to fire up your metabolism, burn body fat and change your body composition. NO STARVATION DIETS! Just quality nutrition to keep you full, fuelled, and ready to take on the day!

  • A full-body composition test with a detailed analysis of the week’s results, to keep you on track and striving towards your goals

  • Access to our Customised user-friendly software to track your training, nutrition and body composition progress

  • A Coach that truly cares about both you and your success!


  • Weekly check ins with a full body composition analysis with a detailed summary of the week’s results to ensure you are tracking at the right pace to peak for show day

  • Tailored workouts designed specifically to increase lean muscle mass, improve symmetry, and bring up lagging body parts for the most complete, well balanced looking physique on stage

  • Weekly modifications to your nutrition plan, designed specifically for you and your body composition requirements to fuel your workouts, while decreasing body fat and maintaining optimal health throughout your prep into show

  • Access to our Customised user-friendly software to track your training, nutrition and body composition progress. We will set weekly targets to hit, and this allows us to hold you far more accountable and leaves nothing to chance as you strive towards a new level of body composition and your greatest physique to date

  • 24/7 email support throughout the entire prep, including additional phone and text support through the final weeks of your prep

  • Full Peak week plan designed specifically to you and what your physique has suggested its requirements are to look your best on stage. (Note;  each athlete’s peak week approach is completely unique to them with some athletes needing the most basic of adjustments in the final week and others requiring a more complex approach. This will be assessed closer to comp)

  • Full support on stage day via phone/text. (Note: Our team will also be present backstage at all Victorian shows, all Australian WBFF events, and select Interstate shows)

  • Full support coming out of show with our Off-season coaching, to ensure we re-optimise your health, reset homeostasis, and start building towards an improved package for stage next show


  • Weekly check ins with a full body composition analysis with a detailed summary of the week’s results to accurately monitor progress and ensure we are increasing lean mass, maintaining a lean body fat % and setting yourself up for a successful prep

  • Tailored Workouts designed specifically to increase lean muscle mass, improve symmetry and bring up lagging body parts. We place emphasis on increasing strength, as a strong physique in the gym, delivers a strong looking physique on stage

  • Weekly modifications to your nutrition plan designed specifically for you and your body composition requirements, to fuel your workouts, increase lean muscle mass and optimise your health while maintaining or decreasing body fat

  • Access to our Customised user-friendly software to track your training, nutrition and body composition progress. We will set weekly targets to hit, and this allows us to hold you far more accountable and leaves nothing to chance as we make the most of your off-season

  • 24/7 email support from a Coach that truly cares about you and your results.
